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Place of American vIctories just after Christmas Day 1776.

Battle considered the turning point of the Revolution because the French sided with the Americans afterwards.

Document signed 7/4/76 which broke our ties with England

Place of England's massive 1776 invasion of the colonies.

Fighting force which captured Ticonderoga, NY. and took stolen cannons to George Washington in Boston.

Primary reason for Revolution.

The "trigger" of the American Revolution. The event occurred near Boston, MA.

Considered the first organized battle of the Revolution. The Americans lost after running out of gun powder.

A strong navy

Document seeking peace with England. It was rejected by King George III.

The Battle of Bunker Hill.

New York/Long Island

Green Mountain Boys.

Taxation without having representatives in Parliament to speak for us.

Saratoga, NY.

The Battles of Lexington and Concord where the Redcoats were seeking Sam Adams and John Hancock.

Olive Branch Petition

Trenton and Princeton, NJ.

Declaration of Independence.

British advantage which allowed them to transport troops rapidly and allowed them to blockade American ports.