New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Jimmy : Good Morning Bob
Bob : Good morning Jimmy , why are you so happy ?
Jimmy : Because I've got a letter from my parents .
Bob : Really , where do your parents live ?
Jimmy : They live in Jamaica . Look , here a photograph of my family . These are my parents Olivia and Washington and this is my sister Helena .
Bob : Your sister ? She is really pretty . Is she married ?
Jimmy : Yes and she's got two children .
Bob : Oh really what are their names ?
Jimmy : Scott and Melanie and this is my brother . His name is Jackson . He is really tall . He is a Tourist Guide and he can speak Spanish , German , and some French . This is his wife Marylyn . She is a lawyer .
Bob : And who is this ?
Jimmy : That's our great grandfather Old George . He is ninety - five and he smokes a big cigar every day .
Bob : But smoking isn't very good for you .
Jimmy : Tell Old George that .

Olivia is Jimmy's ____________________
Washington is Olivia's ____________________
Scott is Washington's ____________________
Melanie is Scott's ____________________
Helena is Jimmy's ____________________
Jackson is Helena's ____________________
George is Jimmy's ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Marylin is Jimmy's ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Scott is Jimmy's ____________________