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1 It is not very often that you come across this verb. However, its meaning is similar to that of "should".
2 Se utiliza más a la hora de dar consejos, hacer o pedir sugerencias, opiniones y acciones, o para generar cierto nivel de expectativa ante algo futuro.
3 This modal verb comes to be the past form of “can”. Its meaning is the same, but the verb tense expresses something that has already happened, or is also used to provide alternatives.
4 Talk about habits that you did before. It can also be used in future tense if your intention is to show that you are willing to do something or establish conditions.
5 For suggestions or possibilities, this verb expresses it clearly. Its use depends on the context, being much more flexible than "may"
6 This is a not very common verb because it is formal. Its meaning is like that of the verb "will", it expresses something in relation to what can happen.
7 This is a verb that talks about the future. Prediction, question or concern, states that it is possible or already feasible that something will happen later
8 indicates duty or obligation to do something; we could translate it as having to or duty. Be careful, because in its negative form, indicate prohibition.
9 Its meaning will depend on what you want to say. You can use it to express some possibility or request, or to say that you are enabled or qualified for something
10 It is used in affirmative or negative sentences, always followed by an infinitive verb to express probability in the future, and at the beginning of questions to ask permission with a certain education.