New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . In many cities , police corruption is a ( n ) ____________________ issue that touches all communities .
2 . Because the school does not tolerate ____________________ language , the student has been suspended for using profanity .
3 . If you drive under the influence of alcohol , then you are ____________________ for any accidents you have as a result of driving in that condition .
4 . If my best friend reports me to the police , I will get her in trouble as well by making a ( n ) ____________________ about her to the authorities .
5 . The medicine is ____________________ in its effects and will cause you no harm .
6 . People used to call Clarke a country ____________________ , but he went to school and got a degree , so that doesn't apply any longer .
7 . The chocolate on James' face was enough to ____________________ the theory he was the one who stole the brownies .
8 . Our team lost the ____________________ series so we will not be competing in the final game .
9 . Yesterday the sales floor was even more ____________________ than usual because of the big clearance sale .
10 . The purpose of the con artist's ____________________ speech is to inspire us to give him our life savings .
11 . Although Emma seems to have a ( n ) ____________________ attitude about her job , she is really concerned about moving up at her firm .
12 . While alcohol is ____________________ and can help you sleep , it does not take away your problems .
13 . Since the president's speech about the economy wasn't very ____________________ , people had little reason to be hopeful about their finances .
14 . The haughty king always spoke to his servants in a ( n ) ____________________ and imposing tone .
15 . Being the ____________________ she is , Elaine fawns over the company president every time she sees him .