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Studies the history of evolution by looking at fossils of both dead plants and animals from way back when we weren’t even alive.

When you have to determine the age of a fossil instead of having the age in years. Scientists start with the assumption that the newer rock layers will be on top of the others.

Using elements left in a rock and their rate decay to measure and estimate the age of that fossil.

It tells us that many animals are extinct and over time, organisms have become more complex.

Most fossils are found in this type of rock

Fossils that are created if the hollow spaces of a mold are later filled with mineral matter.

Fossil that is created when a shell or other structure is buried in sediment and then dissolved by underground water. It reflect only the shape and surface markings of the organism. It doesn’t reveal any information about the organism’s internal structure.

When a species dies out; no longer exists

When you get a real age in actual years. They are fossils that are recognized to represent a particular interval of time.

Indicate the relative ages of rock layers and the fossils in them. The top layers are the most recent and the bottom layers are the oldest. The oldest layer is the base and the youngest layer is at the top.

The idea that the same physical laws of today have always operated.

Preserved remains of an organism