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Learning Target #7: Editing, Revising, and Publishing - I assess the strengths and/or weaknesses of my and others' writing to set goals for improvement through revision and testing new approaches.

Pushing yourself to learn and grow.

Learning Target #7: Editing, Revising, and Publishing - I revise my writing to clarify ideas, develop style, and improve credibility.

Learning Target #4: Discuss - I actively participate in collaborative discussions by stating my opinion/stance on an issue and developing what someone else has said or asking questions to defend my thinking and/or extend the conversation.

Successful Student Habits

Learning Target #5: Presenting - I construct an organized presentation to influence a particular audience, define /apply domain specific vocabulary, and create visual aids using relevant digital media sources when appropriate.

Learning Target #4: Discuss - I defend a speaker’s position on an issue by referencing effective evidence from a text/source. I prepare for discussions by reading or researching relevant topics.

Student Learning Goal: Students analyze texts to understand how they function.

The student takes risks to learn.

Student Learning Goal: The student is a positive community member: provides high quality feedback to peers, participates earnestly in conversations, is kind and helpful.

Student Learning Goal: Students discuss ideas and thinking with others to increase understanding of self and the world.

Student Learning Goals: The student takes an active role in their learning and demonstrates successful student habits; setting goals, meeting deadlines, reading and following instructions, asking questions, seeking support, managing digital notes and resources, turning in all work. & The student is a reader with a self-directed reading practice that will continue beyond the classroom.

Student Learning Goal: The student edits and revises extensively to improve their writing.

Student Learning Goal: The student can present information to a specific audience in order to instruct or persuade.