New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Lots of cells together create ____________________ . Lots of tissues together create ____________________ . Lots of organs together make organ ____________________ .
The ____________________ of the circulatory system is to ____________________ cells , gases , nutrients , waste , and other molecules & chemicals ____________________ the body , to and from ____________________ .
The ____________________ system is made up of the ____________________ , the blood ____________________ , and the ____________________ .
The heart's function is to ____________________ the blood . The blood vessels are the ____________________ that the blood moves through . The function of the blood is to ____________________ the molecules to and from the cells .
The circulatory system is ____________________ to all of the other systems in the body . Nutrients from the ____________________ system and oxygen from the ____________________ system are ____________________ to all of the cells in the body .
You can find your heart ____________________ ( pulse ) by placing two fingers on the blood ____________________ in your throat , just under your jaw ; or by placing two fingers on the blood vessel in your ____________________ ; or by using a ____________________ to listen directly to your ____________________ .
More ____________________ activity will increase a person's heart rate . This is because faster heart beats pumps ____________________ blood to the muscles , so ____________________ sugar and oxygen are delivered , so more ____________________ can be made during cellular ____________________ !
The lungs are ____________________ part of the circulatory system , but the blood must travel to the lungs to pick up ____________________ and drop off carbon dioxide .