New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Physical ____________________ is any movement of the body that requires energy and helps your health in some way . You should get ____________________ minutes a day . This could include housework , bowling , participation in athletic events and working out at the gym . Research shows that physical activity benefits the body , ____________________ , and emotions . It improves the body by improving ____________________ strength , muscle strength , and the heart and ____________________ . It also increases the number of ____________________ blood cells . It improves the brain by improving ____________________ and problem solving and also improves the ability to ____________________ . Finally , physical activity helps ____________________ by decreasing feelings of ____________________ and anxiety . It's also a great way to manage stress .
Karate , which means , ____________________ hand is a type of physical activity that we've been learning . In karate , you must perform a series of choreographed ____________________ called a ____________________ in order to get a higher belt . We've learned some different blocks , ____________________ , and stances . This form of ____________________ arts originated in Okinawa , ____________________ and has many different styles and types .
We have also been ____________________ and tracking our miles on the track . Our challenge is to walk a ____________________ which is 26 . 2 miles . Research shows that ____________________ minutes of walking activates more areas of the ____________________ which allows us to learn better .
Former President John F . Kennedy said , " Our intelligence and skills can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is ____________________ and strong . "