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organ that deposits the sperm in the female

male sex gland/ gonad. makes the sperm and the testosterone (hormones)

a network of tubules located in each of the testes that are the site of meiosis to create the sperm.

external pouch that carries the testes and can raise and lower them to regulate temperature.

gland that secretes alkaline (basic) fluids that are added to the semen to neutralize the acidity of the female reproductive system

lies between the bladder and the rectum and produces fluid that is rich in sugars that the sperm use for energy

coiled tube that sits on the top of the testes where the sperm go to mature.

tube that carries semen and urine out of the male body.

the tube that carries the sperm out of the epididymis and into the abdominal cavity


prostate gland

seminal vesicle

scrotum/scrotal sac



seminiferous tubules

vas deferens
