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Fat from animal and tropical fruit sources, such as palm and coconuts. This type of fat is less healthy and if eaten in large quantities can increase the risk o heart disease.

A mineral that is essential for the body in small amounts but found in very high amounts in most processed foods.

Calcium and iron are listed on the Nutrition Facts label but there are many others. They do important things like give you strong bones help move nerve signals around the body and keep your water balance constant.

Simple carbohydrates that are added to many processed foods.

Provides the most concentrated source of energy. Protects our organs, provides insulation, and transports and stores many important vitamins.

Fat produced when oil is artificially converted to a solid fat at room temperature through a process called "hydrogenation." Eating this type of fat greatly increases the risk of heart disease.

A and C are listed on the Nutrition Facts label but there are more. They help with many body processes like converting food to energy, healing wounds, and helping you see clearly at night.

An indigestible carbohydrate that aids in digestion, makes you feel full, and may help with weight management.

Made of saccharides or chains of sugar molecules. Can be short or very long chains.

Made of amino-acids that are important for building muscles, hormones, and many body functions.




Dietary Fiber



Trans Fat

Saturated Fat

Added Sugars
