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Miscellaneous Diseases
Still's : A form of juvenile ____________________ arthritis .

Paget's : Osteitis ____________________ . Produces thickening and deformity of bone .

Parkinson's : AKA paralysis agitans . Problem with ____________________ in the basal ganglia . Inclusion bodies called ____________________ bodies . Patient has ____________________ face , stooped posture , resting tremor and festinating gait .

Multiple Sclerosis : ____________________ triad : scanning speech , intention tremor and ____________________ . Characterized by exacerbations and remissions .

Myasthenia gravis : Formation of antibodies that block the ____________________ receptors at the myoneural junction producing excess ____________________ thymic enlargement . Causes progressive weakness and fatigue . First starts in the ____________________ muscles .

ALS : AKA Lou Gherig's disease . ____________________ horn and corticospinal tracts affected with no ____________________ loss .

PLS : AKA combined systems disease . Dorsal columns and ____________________ tract affected . Results from long term ____________________ anemia .

Syringomelia : Cyst like formation from the central canal of the spinal cord that leads to loss of pain and temperature and signs of an upper motor neuron lesion . Described as a ? ____________________ like ? distribution of pins and needles sensation .

Arnold Chiari : Congenital - brain stem drops through ____________________ magnum .

Huntington's Chorea : Hereditary onset 30 - 50 Basal ganglia affected , deficiency of GABA . Produces dementia and death .

____________________ : Progressive severe atrophy of the cerebral cortex . Aluminum deposits found in the brain .

Friedreich's Ataxia : Lesions of sclerosis of the ____________________ tract .

Guillian Barre Poliomyelitis : Polyneuritis of the PNS . Seen following immunizations and produces an ____________________ paralysis . Can be fatal if it affects the anterior horn . It produces LMNL . If it affects the brain stem , then cranial nerves are affected and the breathing apparatus may be damanged .

____________________ : Alcoholic psychosis . Depletion of thiamine due to severe alcoholism .

Charcot Marie Tooth : Hereditary progressive peroneal muscle atrophy Duchenne's muscular dystrophy : Pseudohypertrophy of the valves usually boys 3 - 7 . Recessive ____________________ linked gene .