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The mature spinal cord has an H - shaped central gray area which contains the cell bodies of the spinal neurons . This is surrounded by an area of white matter which contains the axons that ascend the cord to the brain , or that descend the cord from the brain .

Spinal Cord Gray Matter

The spinal cord gray matter is functionally divided into three major areas : the ____________________ horn , the ventral horn , and the ____________________ zone .

Dorsal Horn :

- contains ascending neurons and interneurons

- relays incoming ____________________ information to higher centers

Ventral Horn :

- contains ____________________ neurons and interneurons

- controls ____________________ functions of the ____________________ of the trunk and limbs

Intermediate Zone :

- contains autonomic pre - ganglionic neurons which control motor functioning of the ____________________

- also contains neurons ( Clarke's column ) which send sensory information to the ____________________

Spinal Cord White Matter

The spinal cord white matter is functionally divided into three pairs of funiculi : the posterior funiculi , the lateral funiculi , and the anterior funiculi .

Posterior Funiculi :

- contains ____________________ axons which relay ____________________ information to the medulla oblongata

Lateral Funiculi

- contains sensory , motor , and autonomic axons

Anterior Funiculi

- contains axons descending from the brain which relay ____________________ information to the ____________________