New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 ) When the big , bad wolf knocked on the door the three little pigs were all tucked up in their beds ____________________ and sound .
2 ) I'm ____________________ and tired of this weather ? it's just rain , rain and more rain !
3 ) It was so hot that night that I ____________________ and turned for hours before it finally cooled down and became bearable .
4 ) There's no easy way of finding out what exactly you're allergic to . We'll need to adopt a process of ____________________ and error to ascertain the culprit .
5 ) I don't understand how people can ____________________ and drive ! It's so irresponsible . I reckon the law is too lenient . People who are caught should lose their licenses .
6 ) I need to lose weight . Today I had to climb three flights of stairs and afterwards I was ____________________ and panting for five minutes .
7 ) I like Lars Steiger's ____________________ and match approach to interior design . Sometimes he comes up with the weirdest combinations but the overall effect is very pleasing to the eye .