Financial Collocations in Serbian - Lesson 2
Matching PairsMatching game: verbs + nouns / adjectives to get correct collocations
His and Her in Serbian
Map QuizTake a guess about the items that show up. Do they belong to Marina, so they are hers (njen) , or to Jeremija, so they are his (njegov)?
Car Parts in Serbian
Map QuizMatch the car parts correctly
Serbian - Prepositions 2
Map QuizPovezati sliku sa predlogom
Serbian - Prepositions 1
Map QuizPovezati sliku sa predlogom
Verbs in Serbian 1
Matching PairsVežbamo kolokacije: let's connect the verbs and nouns, asking questions as an additional speaking exercise
Lekcija 24
Matching PairsLet's connect places and the corresponding photos
Lifeline Collocations
Matching PairsMatching verbs and corresponding nouns
EZAP - Lessons 1 to 4
MatchingRazvrstati reči po grupama i reći njihovo značenje
Lekcije1-20 Grupe reci
MatchingGrouping words into five categories: numbers, family, food, animals and furniture
Lesson 18 - Masc. Neut and Fem
MatchingLet's find out which words are Masculine, Neuter and which are Feminine gender
Greetings in Serbian
Matching PairsChoose the best response to a greeting in Serbian
Map QuizLet's learn the rooms in Serbian.
Lekcija 7 - Glagol biti
Matching PairsRevising grammar based on the song Pilići smo mi
Verb / adjective + preposition
EZAP A2 - Prepositions 1
Matching PairsVerb / adjective + preposition
Lekcija 7 - Životinje
Matching PairsVežbamo pitanja: Da li je ovo kuca? Da, jeste. Ovo je kuca.
Lekcija 7 - Uvod u Lekciju 7
Unscramble WordsIntroduction to lesson 7.
Serbian - Clothes
Matching PairsLet's match photos with words
Let's match photos with words
Serbian for Kids - Animals
MemoryLet's match photos with words
Serbian for Kids - L5b
Matching PairsLet's match photos with words
Serbian for Children - Lesson4
MatchingLet's group the words together! The words refer to fruit, family members, animals and verbs :) Best of luck = Srećno!
Serbian for Kids - Lesson 1b
Map QuizFood in Serbian
Serbian for Children-Lesson 1a
Word Search PuzzleLet's find the words we learnt in this lesson!
Matching PairsHajde da vežbamo termine iz ekologije