Matching PairsMatch the material with the correct colored bin.
Man-Made or Natural?
MatchingRead the words and decide which things are man-made and which are natural. The first word you choose will decide the first group.
Rural or Urban?
MatchingRead the words and decide if they are characteristics of rural or urban landscapes. The first word you choose will decide which goup is first.
Matching PairsWhat can you find in each type of landscape?
Animal Nutrition
Matching PairsMatch nutrition type (herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore) with its definition and the animal with its correct nutrition type.
General review of vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. Let's see what you remember!
Invertebrate Groups
Matching PairsMatch the type of invertebrate with its description.
Vertebrate Groups
Matching PairsMatch the vertebrate group with the correct definition.
Animal or Plant Kingdom?
MatchingClassify the words into the correct kingdom: Animal Kingdom or Plant Kingdom. Click on one word to decide which kingdom is first.
Living vs. Non-living things
MatchingSeparate the words into two groups: living and non-living things. Choose one word to decide which group is first.
Living Things
Matching PairsOrder the words about living things. First they _________, then they _________, then they _________, and lastly they __________.
Landscapes and Land Forms
Matching PairsCan you match the picture with its name?
Months and Cardinal Numbers
MemoryCan you match the month with its cardinal number?