Froggy Jumps
Have vs. Has Quiz Challenge
Test your knowledge on the usage of 'have' and 'has' in English!
Match cards related to the present continuous in this fun memory card game!
Word Search Puzzle
Family Members and Professions Word Search
Find vocabulary about family members and professions in this fun word search.
Yes or No
Resource Riddle
In this game, you will be presented with various nouns or sentences related to natural resources. Your task is to determine whether they are true or false based on the context.
Froggy Jumps
Verb to Be Quiz
Test your knowledge of the verb to be with these 2nd-grade level questions!
Rainforest Adventure
Explore the wonders of the rainforest with this memory cards game. Match unique concepts from the rainforest ecosystem!
Froggy Jumps
Subtraction 2 digits
Demuestra tus habilidades en la resta de números de 2 dígitos con este quiz desafiante.
Froggy Jumps
Andean Region Challenge
Pon a prueba tus conocimientos sobre los departamentos de la Región Andina con este emocionante juego de preguntas y respuestas.
Matching Pairs
New verbs
Hello, student. Welcome to the motivational lesson. Match each image with their verb.