Words for chapter 5
Crossword PuzzleSolve the crossword with the words given
Question 3 - some tips and theory
Fill in the BlanksComplete the text with the words given
Model answer question 3
Fill in the BlanksComplete with the words given
Summary chapter the second - part 2 (short version)
Fill in the BlanksComplete the summary with the words given
Summary chapter the second - part 2
Fill in the BlanksComplete with the words given
Chapter the second - part 1
Unscramble Lettersunscramble the letters to make a word or a phrase for the definition
Words chapter the first - part 2
Froggy JumpsClick on the correct definition
Mysterious Glossary 2
Crossword PuzzleComplete the crossword with words from your Mysterious glossary 2
Mysterious Glossary 1
MemoryFind the pairs
All words from group 0
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog
Words to be studied and learned by group 0
Crossword PuzzleSolve the crossword
Other words you that you will have as reference by group 0
Unscramble LettersOrder the letters to write the correct words
Words to be studied and learnt group 0
Crossword PuzzleSolve the crossword puzzle
Culinary words from group 0
Word Search PuzzleFind the four culinary words from our presentation
Mitigation of Shock - a summary of the monologue
Fill in the BlanksComplete each gap with one word
Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone - glossary
Crossword PuzzleFind words in your text to complete the crossword
Why do hurricanes spin?
Fill in the BlanksRead the text and complete it with the words given
Find the pairs of words
Play the memory game
Glossary "A survivor's story"
Unscramble LettersUnscramble the words
Definitions sections 5 and 6
Crossword PuzzleSolve the crossword with words from the section
Definitions sections 5 and 6
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct option
Pictures sections 5 and 6
Unscramble LettersUnscramble the letters to get the correct word
Pictures sections 5 and 6
Matching PairsMatch the words with the pictures.
Definitions sections 4-8
Unscramble WordsOrder the words to get the correct definition for the word given
Pictures sections 4-5
Unscramble LettersUnscramble the letters to write the correct word for the pictures
Pictures section 4-8 (mixed)
Matching PairsMatch the pictures with the words
Pictures section 8
Matching PairsMatch the pictures with the words
Pictures section 7
Matching PairsMatch the pictures with the words
Pictures section 6
Matching PairsMatch the pictures with the words
Pictures section 5
Matching PairsMatch the pictures with the words
Pictures section 4
Matching PairsMatch the words with the pictures
Which is the correct spelling?
Froggy JumpsSpell words from IN p.1, 6 and 15
Living on the Edge - song
Crossword PuzzleComplete the crossword with words from IN p.1
Natural disasters
Matching PairsMatch the pictures with the natural disasters (look at IN p.15 if you don't remember)
Defintions sections 28
Word Search PuzzleFind three words or phrases thatvare related to valuable documents
Definitions sections 25-28
Crossword PuzzleComplete the crossword with the correct words for the definitions
Defintions section 25
Unscramble WordsUnscramble to words to get the correct definitions for the words
Definitions section 24
Unscramble LettersUnscramble the letters to get the correct words for the definitions.
Pictures section 26-28
Matching PairsMatch the words with the pictures
Pictures section 25
Matching PairsMatch the words with the pictures
Pictures section 24
Matching PairsMatch the words with the pictures
Meine schultasche
Matching PairsRelaciona les imatges amb les paraules
Meine schultasche
Froggy JumpsQuin gènere tenen les paraules?
Definitions sections 22,23
Crossword PuzzleWrite the correct words for the definitions.
Definitions sections 22,23
Froggy JumpsChoose the best explanation in context
Definitions sections 19,20
Unscramble LettersOrder the letters to make words for the definitions
Definitions section 21
Unscramble LettersUnscramble the letters to form the correct words
Definitions section 20
Matching PairsMatch the words with the definitions
Definitions section 19
Crossword PuzzleWrite the word for the definitions
Pictures sections 21, 22, 23
Matching PairsMatch the words with the pictures
Pictures section 20
Matching PairsMatch the words with the pictures
Pictures section 19
Matching PairsMatch the words with the pictures
Definitions sections 15-18
Word Search PuzzleIn the wordsearch find: - three verbs and one noun related to violence - one adjective which means "not strong enough to be heard clearly" - one noun which can refer to information that someone k...
Definitions sections 12-18
Matching PairsMatch the words with the definitions
Definitions sections 16, 17, 18
Froggy JumpsChoose the best explanation in context for the words in CAPITALS
Definitions sections 14-15
Froggy JumpsChoose the best explanation in context for the words in CAPITALS
Sections 12-18
AlphabetAnswer with words from the definitions (sections 12-18)
Definitions sections 12, 13
Froggy JumpsChoose the best explanation in context for the word in CAPITALS
Definitions sections 12-18
Crossword PuzzleComplete the crossword with the words for the definitions
Vocabulary chapter 6
Matching PairsFind the words in the chapter and match them with the translations
Chapter 2 - vocabulary
Crossword PuzzleWrite a word from chapter 2 for each definition.
Pre-reading like activities sections 7-11
Fill in the BlanksUse the given words to complete the sentences
Pictures sections 7-11 (2)
Matching PairsMatch the pictures with the words
Pictures sections 7-11
Matching PairsMatch the pictures with the words.
1. Climate change definitions
Matching PairsFind the words in your text (interactive workbook p 5) look at the context and match the words with their definitions.
NR Vocab 10
Unscramble LettersUnscramble the letters to make a word from activity 3.
NR Vocab 9
Unscramble LettersUnscramble the letters to make a word from activity 3.
NR Vocab 8
Unscramble LettersUnscramble the letters to make a word from activity 3.
NR Vocab 7
Unscramble LettersUnscramble the letters to make a word from exercise 1.
NR Vocab 6
Unscramble LettersUnscramble the letters to make words from the previous exercises.
NR Vocab 3
Crossword PuzzleSolve the crosswords with words that appeared in NR Vocab 2.
NR Vocab 2
Matching PairsFocus on the parts of speech and use common sense etc.
Vocabulary Aesop's fables 2
Crossword PuzzleCan you solve the crossword? Look at your complete vocabulary list - Unit 3 - Aesop's fables.
Match words and pictures
Matching PairsVocabulary complete list (Unit 3 - Aesop’s fables)
The three-act-structure
Matching PairsCan you find the three-act-structure of Elya's story? Match the columns.
Glossary sections 1-4
Crossword PuzzleComplete the crossword with words from your glossary.