Simple Self Introduction
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions
Story Elements
Matching PairsMath the word with the meaning
Story Elements
Word Search PuzzleFind the following words
Circulatory system
Word Search PuzzleSearch the words
Crossword PuzzleFind the correct word according to the description
Animal adjectives
Word Search PuzzleFind the words
Adjectives Appearance
Word Search PuzzleSearch the following adjectives
School Subjects
Word Search PuzzleSearch the school subjects.
Months of the year
Word Search PuzzleSearch the 12 months of the year.
Means of Transportation
Crossword PuzzleWhite the correct name according to the picture.
Crossword PuzzleWrite the correct sports' name
Breakfast Vocabulary
Crossword PuzzleWrite the correct word.
Word Search PuzzleSearch the adjectives
Types of ecosystems
Word Search PuzzleLook for the names of the ecosystems.
Musical Instruments
Crossword PuzzleWrite the correct name of the following musical instruments
Climate change
Crossword PuzzleWrite the correct names of these pictures
Dairy products
Crossword PuzzleWrite the correct name of these Dairy products
Fruits and Vegetables
Crossword PuzzleWrite the correct name of these fruits or vegetable
Uses of plants
Crossword PuzzleWrite the correct name of the uses of the plants
Compound nouns
Crossword PuzzleWrite the correct name of these pictures.
Prepositions of place
Word Search PuzzleFind the prepositions of place in the wordsearch.
Cooking Verbs
Word Search PuzzleSearch the cooking verbs in the wordsearch.
Body parts
Crossword PuzzleSolve the following crossword about body parts.