
  • Unscramble Letters Game

    Rehearsing the plosive sounds

    Unscramble Letters Game

    This little activity will help the students to rehearse the plosive sounds with K .

  • Unscramble Letters Game

    Rehearsing the Flap T

    Unscramble Letters Game

    With this little activity the students will rehearse the pronunciation of the t in English .

  • Dialogue Game

    The H dialogue

    Dialogue Game

    In this activity the students can play or just listen to the characters in the dialogue, the target is that they will overcome misspronunciation of the h phoneme instead of the x that results from the...

  • Unscramble Words Game

    The woodchuck w sound

    Unscramble Words Game

    Some students have problems distinguishing between the w and g sounds, in fluent conversations this will help them to practice the w sound, and also to master some fluentcy in the English language

  • Word Search Puzzle

    The Thr soup Th sounds part 2

    Word Search Puzzle

    In this activity the students have to find th words that beging by a Thr initial consonant cluster blend this will help then, to exercise the pronunciation of these words. And to aquire better, the di...

  • Matching Game

    B and V sounds part two

    Matching Game

    By pairing these minimal pairs, the students can rationalize the difference between in the pronunciation of similar words.

  • Unscramble Words Game

    b and v sounds

    Unscramble Words Game

    This two different tong twisters will help the students to differentiate the B and V sounds that are difficult to distinguish for EFL and ESL Students, even in advance levels.

  • Dialogue Game

    Pronunciation Poem

    Dialogue Game

    This poem will get the student acquainted to some allophones of the English language that could be difficult to pronounce, specially because the phonetic fit between the graphemes and the actual pronu...