Past simple
Guess the verbs in the past tense that are found in the rosco related to the past simple, taking into account what was seen previously
Verbs in past
Match the following adjectives, with their respective adjective in the past, taking into account what was seen above.
Crossword Puzzle
Verbs in past
Is this time verb what use for talking about a action why started and finished in the past
Matching Pairs
Verbs in past
The past tense is that verbal tense that we use to narrate events that occurred at a specific moment in the past. It corresponds in meaning approximately to the past perfect simple in Spanish.
Comparatives y superlatives
We use it to compare the inequalities between two things that vary. It is used in sentences where we relate two names or elements
Si unimos esta idea del determinismo lingüístico a la del relativismo, debemos concluir que, almenos en principio, cada idioma entraña una determinadavisión intraducible del mundo. Cada lengua provee...
The toys
Esta actividad tiene como fin fortalecer el vocabulario con base a los juegetes y la habilidad de escucha
Word Search Puzzle
significado palabra - Semanti
El siguiente trabajo tiene objetivo explicar la semantica y sus partes
Este taller te evaluara todo lo que has aprendido sobre la morfología
Word Search Puzzle
Estructura de palabras morfolo
Esta actividad nos ayudara a reforzar nuestra memoria y aprender con mayor facilidad los conceptos de la morfología