Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Matching Pairs
Adjectives personality A2
Complete WORD STORE 1A with the adjectives in red from the text.
Video Quiz
Advanced passive forms
Rewrite the sentences in the Passive starting with the underlined object.
Matching Pairs
Video A2 student accommodation
Complete the sentences with the numbers in the box. Then watch the video again and check your answers.
Matching Pairs
Matching Listening Comprehension A1
What kind of information is missing in each gap? Match gaps 1-6 with definitions a-f.
Unscramble Words
Unscramble words in the sentences
Unscramble words in the sentences and where necessary, answer the following questions
Matching Pairs
Common collocations
Match a word from one column with a word from the other to make six common collocations
Choose the correct option (simple or continuous from)
Виконайте тест, щоб перевірити, чи правильно ви пам'ятаєте основні події у творі та важливість структурних елементів у творі Часодії Наталії Щерби
Matching Pairs
Vocabulary practice. Prepositions of movement
Match the words with their corresponding pictures
Matching Pairs
Countries and nationalities
Practice naming countries and nationalities in this matching game
Fill in the Blanks
Fill in the gaps activity
Complete the sentences with the words/phrases from the box
Choose the correct word in the following sentences.
Fill in the Blanks
Fill in the blanks. Focus 7 vocab
Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list
Fill in the Blanks
Completion. Fill in the gaps
Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the correct form
Fill in the Blanks
Fill in the gaps
Complete the following article about aspirin using the words from the box
Fill in the Blanks
Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions and adjectives below.
Adjective+preposition practice
Word Search Puzzle
Fill in the blanks with a word from the opposite page
Chemical 2 Vocabulary Practice
Crossword Puzzle
Rätsel: Ein Telefongespräch
Wie heißt das Lösungswort? Schreiben Sie die Wörter mit großen Buchstaben
Matching Pairs
Was brauchen Sie? Ordnen Sie zu. Bilden Sie Sätze wie im Beispiel. Achten Sie auf den richtigen Artikel.
Was brauchen Sie? Ordnen Sie zu. Bilden Sie Sätze wie im Beispiel. Achten Sie auf den richtigen Artikel.
Fill in the Blanks
Simple tenses A2
Simple tenses(plans, past simple, present simple and continuous)
Fill in the Blanks
to be/have/has
With this practical assignment you can practice and check students` knowledge of the topics (to be/have/has)