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Lifecycle of plants

Welcome to the "Life Cycle of Plants" online fill in the blank game! This game is designed to help Grade 1 students learn about the different stages in a plant's life cycle. In each question, you will be given a sentence with a blank space. You will have to choose the correct answer from two options - one correct and one incorrect. Your goal is to choose the correct answer and fill in the blank to complete the sentence.

For example, if the sentence is "A plant starts from a tiny _______," and the two options are "rock" and "seed," you should choose "seed" and fill in the blank to complete the sentence.

The correct answer will help the plant grow and move to the next stage, while the incorrect answer will not. So be careful in your choices!

This game is available on the Reading Readiness website and can be played for free. Good luck and have fun learning about the life cycle of plants!

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