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DF L3 Article2.1

Subcutaneous (adj.) - Pronunciation: /ˌsʌbkjuːˈteɪniəs/ - Portuguese: subcutâneo/a - Meaning: situated or occurring beneath the skin
Mastectomy (n.) - Pronunciation: /mæsˈtɛktəmi/ - Portuguese: mastectomia - Meaning: surgical removal of the breast tissue
Histological (adj.) - Pronunciation: /ˌhɪstəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ - Portuguese: histológico/a - Meaning: related to the study of tissues and their structure
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) - Pronunciation: /ˈdʌktəl ˌkɑrsɪˈnoʊmə ɪn ˈsɪʧu/ - Portuguese: carcinoma ductal in situ - Meaning: a non-invasive breast cancer confined to the milk ducts
Premalignant (adj.) - Pronunciation: /priːməˈlɪgnənt/ - Portuguese: pré-maligno/a - Meaning: showing abnormal changes that may develop into cancer
Resected (adj.) - Pronunciation: /rɪˈsɛktɪd/ - Portuguese: ressecado/a - Meaning: surgically removed or excised
Adjuvant (adj.) - Pronunciation: /ˈædʒʊvənt/ - Portuguese: adjuvante - Meaning: additional treatment given after the primary treatment to enhance its effectiveness
Systemic (adj.) - Pronunciation: /sɪˈstɛmɪk/ - Portuguese: sistêmico/a - Meaning: affecting the entire body or organism
Endocrine (adj.) - Pronunciation: /ˈɛndoʊˌkraɪn/ - Portuguese: endócrino/a - Meaning: relating to hormones and the glands that produce them
Neoplasm (n.) - Pronunciation: /ˈniəˌplæzəm/ - Portuguese: neoplasma - Meaning: an abnormal growth or tumor
Second Language esl english
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Niles Pfeiffer
Niles Pfeiffer
United States

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