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Third person (D)

Fill in the Blanks

To complete the text, using rules about third person and simple present.

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Third person (D)

To complete the text, using rules about third person and simple present.

Kelly Jay Glover

and her has quarter finish a gets takes goes comes friend past goes quarter at working does plays she

Sophie is eleven years old and she lives in Brighton , England . She usually up at quarter to six , and a shower at past six . Then , has breakfast .

Then , she grabs school bag and to the school . Classes start half past eight and at half past four . She usually lunch at the school dinning room with her schoolmates , at about twelve o'clock . Her best is Amy , and Sophie always sits next to her at lunch .

After school , she home and she her homework . She is a very hard student . After homework she with friends , listens to music she watches a movie .

At half seven , it is time for dinner . Finally she to bed , at about past nine . Sophie is happy girl .