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Greeting Importance

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Greetings, importance

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Greeting Importance

Greetings, importance

Carolina Portilla

education Greeting of saying be education give important care

From a social point of view , the gesture of greeting is almost as as breathing . It is a basic pillar in the of people , in the social bond with each other . Greeting reveals many details about a person's character and . Greeting is important in all areas , but it is especially important in the workplace . is essential to establish a pleasant and correct contact .

Greeting is a fundamental part of the ? smiling care ? philosophy ; whenever we come across a resident , family member or other worker , it is essential to greet them .

Taking of the small detail of ? good morning ? or ? good afternoon ? creates a better organizational climate and helps personal wellbeing . Kindness in dealing with people helps us along the way to the best ourselves . If we foster a positive relationship with each other , based on respect and kindness , it will easier to feel at ease at work .