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The minuet

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Recommended age: 15 years old
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The minuetOnline version

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by Carme Marchena

ABA 3 sections Mozart's quartets symphonies ternary measure

The key number to remember when thinking about the minuet and trio is . It is commonly heard as the third movement of classical and string , it is in triple meter ( three beats to a ) and it consists of three main . Furthermore , each of these sections can be broken down into three parts . Take a look :

A Minuet 1 ? B Minuet 2 ( Trio ) ? A Minuet 1 ( Repeated )

This structure is called . Each of these three parts breaks down into it's own ternary section ?

A great example is the Minuet from Wofgang Amadeus famous " Eine kleine Nachtmusik "

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