1.16 Herramientas BIOS_1DAW
Matching Pairs
Asocia conceptos clave sobre herramientas de monitoreo y diagnóstico BIOS.
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About Matching Pairs
grado superior
Recommended age: 18 years old
42 times made
Created by

Alfonso Reina
This game is a version of
Juego de Parejas: Herramientas BIOS
Top 10 results
11DAW_Sergio García López00:36time100score
21DAW_Natalia López00:37time100score
31DAW_Xander Godoy00:37time100score
4Sergio García00:46time100score
5_1ºDAW_Juleisy Rossette Ramirez Mateo00:47time100score
6Alejandro Carmona Rodero00:51time100score
8-Elyass_DAW Harni Mokhliss01:09time100score
9_1DAW_Antonio Moreno Ruiz01:22time100score
10Alfonso Reina02:07time100score
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