Maya
and
Max
were
best
friends
who
loved
going
on
adventures
.
One
sunny
morning
,
they
decided
to
go
on
a
special
adventure
to
learn
how
to
be
smart
with
money
.
Maya
said
,
"
Max
,
what
?
s
the
difference
between
something
we
and
something
we
?
"
Max
thought
for
a
moment
.
"
need
is
something
we
can
?
t
live
,
like
food
,
water
,
clothes
,
and
a
home
.
want
is
something
fun
to
have
but
not
,
like
toys
,
video
games
,
or
.
"
Maya
nodded
.
"
So
if
have
$10
,
should
buy
food
first
,
because
that
?
s
a
need
.
If
there
?
s
money
left
,
then
can
get
something
want
,
like
a
new
book
.
"
Next
,
the
friends
met
Mr
.
Coins
,
a
talking
piggy
bank
.
Mr
.
Coins
explained
,
"
is
money
you
earn
,
like
from
chores
or
an
allowance
.
are
the
things
you
spend
money
on
,
like
buying
snacks
or
paying
for
school
supplies
.
"
Max
said
,
"
So
if
earn
$20
from
mowing
lawns
,
that
?
s
my
income
.
If
spend
$10
on
pencils
,
that
?
s
an
expense
.
"
"
Exactly
!
"
said
Mr
.
Coins
.
Mr
.
Coins
gave
Maya
and
Max
a
notebook
and
said
,
"
This
is
your
book
.
Write
down
how
much
money
you
earn
and
how
much
you
spend
.
"
Maya
practiced
.
"
If
earn
this
week
and
spend
$15
,
?
ll
have
left
.
That
?
s
easy
!
"
"
And
if
you
track
everything
,
you
?
ll
know
where
your
money
goes
,
"
said
Mr
.
Coins
.
"
What
if
an
happens
?
"
asked
Max
.
"
Great
question
!
"
said
Mr
.
Coins
.
"
An
emergency
is
money
you
save
for
problems
,
like
if
your
bike
breaks
,
or
you
need
extra
school
supplies
.
"
Maya
said
,
"
?
ll
start
$5
every
week
for
emergencies
.
"
Mr
.
Coins
told
them
,
"
It
?
s
also
smart
to
save
for
big
things
,
like
or
college
.
"
Max
was
puzzled
.
"
But
we
?
re
kids
!
"
"
That
?
s
true
,
"
said
Mr
.
Coins
,
"
but
the
you
save
,
the
more
time
your
money
has
to
.
"