Actividades humanas en el medio ambiente.
Relaciona cada actividad con su impacto en el medio ambiente o en nuestra salud.
About Matching Pairs
3º - Educación primaria
Recommended age: 8 years old
92 times made
Created by
juan david vasquez garcia
Top 10 results
1Ruben Alexander00:24time100score
2Christopher Hernández Manuel00:25time100score
3Ximena escareño00:28time100score
4Emiliano Alberto vazquez velazquez00:32time100score
6Veronica Betsabe00:50time100score
7Darwin Lain Hernández Diaz00:56time100score
9Rafael Camarillo Moreno01:45time100score
10Jesús Nazharet Macías Ortega03:53time100score
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