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In the Community Garden (part 1)

Minibeasts: an ant, a bee, a butterfly,
a grasshopper, a ladybird, a snail, a spider, a worm
Garden jobs: dig up the potatoes, feed the birds, pick the raspberries, plant the seeds, wash the lettuces, water the roses
Garden objects: compost, greenhouse, shed, watering can, wheelbarrow Co-ordinates: co-ordinates, grid, point, x-axis, y-axis
Garden plants and food items: apples,
beans, carrots, fish, flower, leeks, strawberries, tomatoes
Nouns: a ball, a bird, a car, a frog, a pot

Are there any (worms)?
Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.
What are they doing?
They’re (feeding the birds).
Has it got six legs? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t.
Can it jump? Yes it can. / No, it can’t.
Is it red and black? Yes it is. No, it isn’t.
They (grow tomatoes).
I’m (watering the plants).
She’s (feeding the birds).

+Would you like a carrot? Yes, please. / No, thanks.
english Recommended age: 9 years old
32 times made

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