New Activity

Synthetic Fibers

For this week's lab activity, you are going to fill-in a crossword puzzle based on your understanding of synthetic fibers and their examples in your swatch kit. For each clue, fill in the appropriate swatch number (you will need to spell out the number, such as 25 is twentyfive in the crossword puzzle), fiber name, or characteristic that correlates to a swatch. To access each clue, you need to click on the number in the crossword puzzle to display the clue for that response. If you need help with understanding how this works, please let me know!

You need to submit a screenshot of your completed crossword puzzle for lab points this week! You will need to take a screenshot of your answers BEFORE hitting "check", as I want to see the actual responses you gave. You can then check your answers once you have that screenshot.

Good luck and have fun!
fiber synthetic textiles
24 times made

Created by

Hannah Upole
Hannah Upole
United States

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