New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 ) If any non - IT position has any element of ____________________ in it , then we will consider the position in the exempt category
2 ) All ____________________ staff members as per their company's policy will be considered in the Non - Exempt category
3 ) For IT positions , if the PR is ____________________ than the threshold , then the candidate is considered in the non exempt category
4 ) For IT positions , if the PR is greater than or ____________________ to the threshold , then we need to send an email to the legal team = ____________________ . com and the ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
5 ) The state of California has both ____________________ and ____________________ Logic
6 ) ____________________ Logic is for all the other states except California
7 ) ____________________ category = Regular pay rate for OT
8 ) Non Exempt category = ____________________ . ____________________ times regular pay rate
9 ) Exempt category = ____________________ positions
10 ) ____________________ ____________________ category = Non IT , Pharma and Classes positions