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It's a chance to "push" for change for the better! Or to prevent change for the worse. Either way, it's important!

Your vote counts! While it sometimes seems like your vote doesn't matter much among all of the other votes, sometimes elections are really really close! Your vote keeps the candidates and issues you support "in the race".

It's your chance to have a say in how your tax money is spent. Voting gives you a chance to influence how much money is spent and also whether your taxes increase or decrease.

If you don't vote, someone else will. That person may not want the same things you do! So "raise your hand" and be heard!

Your neighbors and community members count on you to do your part. Give a "helping hand" and vote for policies that help your community!

Many people throughout history worked hard to make sure almost everyone has the right to vote. It is voting today, that determines the future of your community.