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Secondary Injury

Diffuse Axonal Injury

Intracranial Pressure (ICP)



Primary injury


Coup-Contracoup Injury

Mechanical tearing and shearing of axons due to injury

An excitatory neurotransmitter that triggers overexcitation in neurons when it leaks out of cells in large amounts.

Swelling of the brain that causes it to push against the restraints of the skull

Fluid accumulation

Bleeding due to ruptured blood vessel(s)

Reduced blood flow

cell suicide

The brain strikes the inside of the skull in two opposing locations.

Delayed brain pathologies that occur minutes to days after the initial brain impact.

Activated by calcium, this enzyme triggers breakdown of the cell's membrane

Physical impact of the brain at the time of injury.

Cell death at sites of injury that spreads to surrounding neurons due to enzymes released by dying cells