New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Earn It Your Way
Sell Arbonne products to your ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ and earn a ____________________ on those sales . Arbonne is open to everyone , and our ____________________ ____________________ come from every way of life and background , from professionals , to part - time stay - at - home - gig workers to first - time parents and entrepreneurs . You get to decide how to ____________________ your ____________________ and live ____________________ your wa y
Build It Your Way

Building a ____________________ allows you to increase your earning potential . You will continue to earn ____________________ on the sales to your own ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ , and when you choose to build a team by personally enrolling ____________________ ____________________ , you will earn a percentage on your team ? s sales to their ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ . There is no limit to how many ____________________ or ____________________ ____________________ you can have or how many ____________________ ____________________ you can enroll on your team . As you build your team and meet specific monthly requirements through product sales , you ? ll progress through the ____________________ ____________________ and start earning on the width and depth of your team ? s sales .
Qualified Status

Arbonne ____________________ ____________________ need to accumulate a minimum of ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( CQV ) each month to be eligible to receive an ____________________ , to qualify for a ____________________ ____________________ and to participate in all ____________________ , ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ and ____________________ .
Central QV Requirements
Each month , ____________________ ____________________ and above have a specific ____________________ ____________________ Requirement to maintain at your ____________________ - ____________________ ____________________ . Your Central is composed of ____________________ and ____________________ else below you that have not yet reached the same respective title .
? District Manager : ____________________ , ____________________ Central District QV
? Area Manager : ____________________ , ____________________ Central Area QV
? Regional Vice President : ____________________ , ____________________ Central Region QV
? National Vice President : ____________________ , ____________________ Central Nation Q V
Central QV Requirements for Override Eligibility
Each month , ____________________ ____________________ and above have specific Central QV Requirements to meet at each title for ____________________ ____________________ . Your Central is composed of ____________________ and ____________________ else below you that have not yet reached the same ____________________ ____________________ .
When you meet or exceed ____________________ , ____________________ Central District ____________________ , you ? ll be eligible to earn :
? Central District ____________________
? ____________________ Generation District ____________________
? ____________________ Generation District ____________________ : when you have ____________________ or more ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
? ____________________ Generation District ____________________ : when you have ____________________ or more ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
When you meet or exceed ____________________ , ____________________ Central Area ____________________ , you ? ll be eligible to earn :
? Central Area ____________________
? ____________________ Generation Area ____________________
? ____________________ Generation Area ____________________ : when you have ____________________ or more ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
? ____________________ Generation Area ____________________ : when you have ____________________ or more ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
When you meet or exceed ____________________ , ____________________ Central Region ____________________ , you ? ll be eligible to earn :
? Central Region ____________________
? ____________________ Generation Region ____________________
? ____________________ Generation Region ____________________ : when you have ____________________ or more ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
? 3rd Generation Region Override : when you have THREE or ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
When you meet or exceed ____________________ , ____________________ Central Nation ____________________ , you ? ll be eligible to earn :
? Central Nation ____________________
? ____________________ Generation Nation ____________________
? ____________________ Generation Nation ____________________ : when you have ____________________ or more ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
? ____________________ Generation Nation Override : when you have ____________________ or more ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
? ____________________ Generation Nation ____________________ : when you have ____________________ or more 1st ____________________ ____________________
? ____________________ Generation Nation ____________________ : when you have ____________________ or more ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
? ____________________ Generation Nation ____________________ : when you have ____________________ or more ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
District Manager Qualifications

You can promote to ____________________ ____________________ by meeting the QV requirements below over one , ____________________ or ____________________ consecutive ____________________ .
One Month ? ____________________ , ____________________ SLQV of which ____________________ , ____________________ must come from ____________________
Two Months ? ____________________ , ____________________ SLQV of which ____________________ , ____________________ must come from ____________________
Three Months ? ____________________ , ____________________ SLQV of which 1 , ____________________ must come from ____________________
Monthly Minimums
? Each Month : 250 ____________________
? Month 1 : ____________________ , ____________________ CQV or ____________________ , ____________________ SLQV
? Month 3 : ____________________ , ____________________ SLQ V
Area Manager Qualifications
You can promote to ____________________ ____________________ by meeting the ____________________ requirements below over ____________________ or ____________________ consecutive months .

Two Months ? ____________________ , ____________________ Central District ____________________
Three Months ? ____________________ , ____________________ Central District ____________________
Monthly Minimums
? Each Month : ____________________ CQV
? Month 1 : ____________________ , ____________________ Central District ____________________
? Month 2 : ____________________ , ____________________ Central District ____________________
? Month 3 : ____________________ , ____________________ Central District ____________________
Regional Vice President Qualifications

You can promote to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ by meeting the ____________________ requirements below over ____________________ or ____________________ consecutive months .
Two Months ? ____________________ , ____________________ Central Area ____________________
Three Months ? ____________________ , ____________________ Central Area ____________________
Monthly Minimums
? Each Month : ____________________ CQV
? Month 1 : ____________________ , ____________________ Central Area ____________________
? Month 3 : ____________________ , ____________________ Central Area ____________________
National Vice President Qualifications

You can promote to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ by meeting the ____________________ requirements below over ____________________ or ____________________ consecutive months .
Two Months ? ____________________ , ____________________ Central Region ____________________
Three Months ? ____________________ , ____________________ Central Region ____________________
Monthly Minimums
? Each Month : ____________________ CQV
? Month 1 : ____________________ , ____________________ Central Region ____________________
? Month 3 : ____________________ , ____________________ Central Region ____________________
Paid - as Consultants will need to reach ____________________ ____________________ prior to renewing in their annual ____________________ ____________________ . You can do this by achieving ____________________ through sales to your ____________________ and / or ____________________ Clients or by having a new / renewed ____________________ ____________________ or ____________________ ____________________ in your downline over the past ____________________ ____________________ , which includes your current ____________________ ____________________ . New Independent Consultants will receive ____________________ ____________________ to achieve Active Status , meaning their start month through their current renewal month

Independent Consultants must pay an ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ and agree to the latest ____________________ . This activity allows you to remain an ____________________ ____________________ for the following ____________________ ____________________ , until your next annual ____________________ . Failure to pay your annual ____________________ ____________________ will result in the ____________________ of the ____________________ on the last day of the month following your annual ____________________ ____________________ .

Paid - as Consultants who do not achieve ____________________ ____________________ by the end of their annual renewal ____________________ and whose renewals are due between ____________________ ____________________ , ____________________ ? ____________________ ____________________ , ____________________ will have up to the last day of the ____________________ following their annual ____________________ ____________________ to renew as a ____________________ ____________________ .

District ____________________ and above have a ____________________ ____________________ ( PA ) where your Central ____________________ overage is contributed when you exceed your ____________________ ____________________ Requirement for ____________________ - ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ and then deducted from to help you reach but not exceed your ____________________ ____________________ Requirement for Paid - As Title Maintenance and to meet your ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ for Override ____________________ at your lower respective titles .
____________________ - ____________________ ____________________ Central QV ? Central QV Requirement for ____________________ - ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ = PA Contribution or Deduction

After you ? ve met your ____________________ ____________________ Requirement for Paid - As Title Maintenance , your ____________________ ____________________ and / or ____________________ ____________________ will then be applied , if needed , to help you meet , but not exceed , your ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ for Override Eligibility at your lower respective titles unless you have ____________________ ____________________ in your ____________________ ____________________ and / or Yearly ____________________ ____________________ . You are not paid compensation on the ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ and / or the ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ used to help you meet these ____________________ , and they have no ____________________ ____________________ .

There is a PA Balance Limit on the ____________________ you are allowed to contribute to your ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . When your PA balance reaches the QV amount stated below , Arbonne will no longer add QV to your PA balance .
? District Manager : ____________________ , ____________________ QV
? Area Manager : ____________________ , ____________________ QV
? Regional Vice President : ____________________ , ____________________ QV
? National Vice President : ____________________ , ____________________ Q V
Each calendar year , beginning ____________________ ____________________ and ending ____________________ ____________________ , there is a limit on the ____________________ ____________________ you can draw from your ____________________ ____________________ to assist in maintaining your ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ for ____________________ - ____________________ ____________________ Maintenance and / or your ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ for override eligibility .
? District Manager : ____________________ , ____________________ QV
? Area Manager : ____________________ , ____________________ QV
? Regional Vice President : ____________________ , ____________________ QV
? National Vice President : ____________________ , ____________________ Q V
If your ____________________ - ____________________ ____________________ is lower than your ____________________ ____________________ , then you are in ____________________ ____________________ . Independent Consultants remain in title maintenance until they ____________________ - ____________________ to be paid at their recognition title or upon expiration of the title maintenance period below .
? District Manager : ____________________ months
? Area Manager : ____________________ months
? Regional Vice President : ____________________ months
? National Vice President : ____________________ months