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In the STAR Technique, what do you do for the T?

online interviews

two-way video interview

sequential interview

In the STAR Technique, what do you do for the A?

screening interview

one-on-one interview

one-way video interview

panel interview

In the STAR Technique, what do you do for the S?

In the STAR Technique, what do you do for the R?

group interview

hiring/placement interview

Conducted with the most promising candidates to learn whether they are motivated, qualified, and a good fit for the position and the organization

Candidates at their leisure respond to a list of scripted questions prepared by the hiring organization

A candidate sits down with a company representative to talk about the job and the candidate’s qualifications

Briefly explain the background and context of a situation. What happened? When? Where?

Similar to a face-to-face interviewing, but it is typically conducted through video chat

Used to screen candidates to eliminate those who fail to meet minimum requirements; may be done in person during job fairs or on college campuses, by telephone, or by video

Explain the results (e.g., saving, greater efficiency). Try to quantify.

Describe the problem. What needed to be done? Why?

Conducted by a team of two or more people who will be the candidate’s supervisors and colleagues

What did you do? How? What skills or tools did you use?

A candidate meets individually with two or more interviewers one-on- one over the course of several hours or days

Using technology, such as Skype or Facetime, to speak to the candidate from a distance

Where many candidates are interviewed together; also may refer to multiple hiring managers interviewing one candidate individually