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black cohosh


ginkgo biloba


ginger root

Saw palmetto




St. John's wort



vasodilation: Decreases leg pain, platelet aggregation, risk of thrombosis. Decreases bronchospasm. Claims to improve memory

Stimulates immune system. Decreases inflammation. Heals skin disorders, wounds, and burns. Treats viruses.

Increases GABA to prevent insomnia. Reduces anxiety related restlessness. Drowsiness effect increases over time.

Affects serotonin, antidepressant effects. For mild depression. Orally as an analgesic to relieve pain, inflammation. Topically to treat infection

Relieves vertigo and nausea. Increases intestinal motility. morning sickness, arthritis.

Can decrease prostate manifestations of hyperplasia

Acts as an estrogen substitute, Treats manifestations of menopause.

Blocks platelet aggregation. Blocks factor that causes migraines.

Blocks LDL cholesterol, raises HDL cholesterol; lowers triglycerides. Suppresses platelet aggregation, disrupts coagulation. Acts as a vasodilator

Topically, aloe has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Soothes pain. Heals burns. Softens skin. Orally, aloe has laxative effects.

Makes cartilage and synovial fluid. Suppresses inflammation of the joints and cartilage degradation. Treats osteoarthritis.

Causes liver injury. Promotes sleep. Decreases anxiety. Promotes muscle relaxation without affecting concentration.