New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
A : Wow ! We have so much stuff in our closets . There's no more room .
B : I know . ____________________ , there's a new TV show where this woman helps you get rid of all the stuff you don't want anymore .
A : Really ?
B : Yeah , Seth ____________________ ____________________ about it . They take everything you own and ut it outside your house . You have to sell or throw away more than half of it !
A : Oh , yeah . ____________________ ____________________ it's a fun show .
A : Did you hear the news about interest rates ?
B : Yeah , I did . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ on TV last night , they're going up - again !
A : That's right . ____________________ ____________________ we'll have to pay around 25 percent on our credit cards .
B : I know . Isn't that terrible ?
A : Yeah . But , as my friend ____________________ ____________________ , it might stop us from spending so much .
A : Did you get tickets for the school concert tonight ?
B : It's tonight ? ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ it was next week .
A : No , it's tonight . ____________________ , it's going to be a great show . I talked to Henry earlier today , and ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ it's already sould out .
B : Oh , no . I guess I'm not going , then .