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Thoracic (Rib) Cage

Axial Skeleton

Vertebral Column

Associated Bones of the Skull


Sternum & 24 Ribs

6 Auditory Ossicles & Hyoid Bone

7 Cervical Vertebrae, 12 Thoracic Vertebrae, 5 Lumbar Vertebrae, Sacrum, Coccyx

8 Cranial Bones & 14 Facial Bones

Composed of the Skull, Associated Bones of the Skull, Vertebral Column, Thoracic (Rib) Cage

Oral Cavity


Cranial Cavity

Nasal Cavity

Lambdoid Suture

Palatine Suture

Coronal Suture

Orbital Cavities

Squamous Suture

Sagittal Suture

Types of Sutures



Contains the mouth; Created by the maxilla, palatine, & mandible bones

Joint between parietal and occipital bones

Joint between 2 parietal bones

Joints between the bones of the skull

Contains the nose; Created by the nasal, ethmoid, vomer, palatine, inferior nasal concha, & maxilla bones

Contains the brain; Created by frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, ethmoid, & sphenoid bones

A hollow space made by multiple bones; Cranial, Orbital, Nasal, & Oral

Joint between parietal and temporal bones

Coronal, Sagittal, Squamous, Lambdoid, Palatine,

Contains 8 Cranial Bones, 14 Facial Bones, & Associated Bones: 6 Auditory Ossicles & Hyoid Bone

Joint between frontal and parietal bones

Joint between palatine bones

Contains the eyes; Created by the frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, zygomatic, maxilla, lacrimal, & palatine bones



Anatomic Divisions of the Skull














Inferior Nasal Conchae

Paired; top and sides (lateral) of head (lateral/superior cranial cavity)

Lower jaw

Frontal (1), Parietal (2), Temporal (2), Occipital (1), Sphenoid (1), & Ethmoid (1)

Part of temple (lateral), part of base (inferior), back of eye

Roof of nasal cavity

Nasal (2), Lacrimal (2), Zygomatic (2), Maxilla (2), Mandible (1), Vomer (1), Palatine (2), Inferior Nasal Conchae (2)

Paired; Inferior-lateral walls of nasal cavity

Back of head and bottom of the skull (posterior/inferior cranium)

Paired; Upper jaw; Roof of oral cavity, floor and lateral walls of nasal cavity, and medial orbit

Inferior nasal septum

Neurocranium and Face

Medial wall of orbit, roof and superior-lateral walls of nasal cavity, and superior nasal septum

Paired; Temple & ear (lateral), also base (inferior)

Paired; Posterior roof of oral cavity (hard palate), small part of lateral nasal cavity, and medial wall of orbit

Paired; Cheekbones (lateral orbit)

Paired; Medial wall of the orbit

Forehead (anterior cranial cavity), eyebrows (roof of the orbit)

Ear Ossicles

Associated Bones of the Skull




Bones of the Ear Ossicles


slender, curved bone in the throat, does NOT articulate with any other bone – held in place by muscles & ligaments; Assists with swallowing


Malleus, Incus, Stapes


Located within the temporal bone, amplify sound

Ear Ossicles & Hyoid


Thoracic Vertebrae




Lumbar Vertebrae

Cervical Vertebrae

Special Features of the Lumbar Vertebrae


Anatomic Divisions of the Vertebral Column

Special Features of the Thoracic Vertebrae

Special Features of Cervical Vertebrae

Parts of the Sacrum

Vertebrae of the Neck

Cervical Vertebrae (7), Thoracic Vertebrae (12), Lumbar Vertebrae (5), Sacrum, Coccyx

Vertebrae of the lower back

Leans anteriorly; Cervical and Lumbar Vertebrae

Heart-shaped bodies Costal facets Long spinous processes

Superior articular processes Auricular surfaces Sacral canal Sacral crest Sacral foramina

Very thick bodies Lock together with inwardly facing superior & inferior processes for max support Thick process for attachment of back muscles

Vertebrae of the thorax; Attached to the ribs

Leans poteriorly; Sacrum & Thoracic Vertebrae


Posterior pelvis

Small bodies Transverse foramina C2-C6 bifid spinous process C1 and C2 special!

Sternocostal Joints

Components of the Rib Cage

False Ribs




True Ribs

Costochondral Joints

Sternum Components

Floating Ribs

Xyphoid Process

Function of the Rib Cage


Suprasternal/jugular notch - Attachment point for sternocleidomastoid Clavicular notches - Sternoclavicular joints Costal notch - Sternocostal joints

Between the costal cartilage and bone of the true (1-7) and false ribs (8-10) Cartilaginous Joints (Synchondroses)

Majority of the sternum; 6 costal notches that create joints with costal cartilage and ribs

Bottom tab on the sternum

protects enclosed organs, anchors many muscles

Manubrium, Body, Xyphoid Process

Sternum, Ribs, Costal Cartilage

Between the sternum and costal cartilage of true ribs (1-7) Synovial joints

12 on each side; 3 types: true, false, & floating

3; #'s 8-10; Connect to #7's costal cartilage

2; #'s 11 & 12; Have NO costal cartilage


7; #'s 1-7; Each rib has its own costal cartilage

Atlanto-axial Joint

Sternocostal Joints

Vertebrocostal Joints

Axial Joints

Temporomandibular Joint

Intervertebral Joints

Atlanto-occipital Joint

superior articular processes of atlas + occipital condyles

Temporomandibular, Atlanto-occipital, Atlanto-axial, Intervertebral, Vertebrocostal, & Sternocostal

mandibular fossa + condylar process

atlas + dens of axis

manubrium and sternal body costal notches + costal cartilage (1-7)

Superior + inferior articular processes Adjacent vertebral bodies (intervertebral disks)

T1-12 costal facets on vertebral body + head of rib T1-12 costal facets on transverse process + rib tubercle