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"I sift through your data, every byte, Collecting preferences, day and night. From clicks to searches, I gather with flair, But my intentions aren't always clear. What am I?"

"My goal is to learn all your likes and trends, so advertisers can treat you as friends."

Starts with "A"

"I live to tailor what you see, Ads and posts align perfectly. But when I favor your usual likes, Your world narrows in tiny spikes. What am I?"

"I shape your feed based on your past clicks, slowly limiting what new content sticks."

Starts with "B"

"With pictures, stories, and videos to share, You're often unaware of my hidden snare. When you tag friends or share your spot, I'm quietly watching, revealing a lot. What am I?"

"Your posts reveal where you roam, even when you're away from home."

Starts with "L"

"I'm the gatekeeper to your online sphere, With simple words or digits to appear. But choose me well, unique and strong, Or hackers may not take long. What am I?"

"Make sure I'm long and hard to guess, or your accounts could be in distress."

Starts with "P"

"I promise to guard your digital life, An extra layer against hacking strife. A code or an app keeps hackers at bay, But only if you enable me today. What am I?"
