New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Jill Richardson
" Actually , ____________________ always ____________________ to be an actor . I haven't ____________________ any formal training , but I've ____________________ in a couple of ____________________ plays . So my ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ study acting . "

Sonia and Carlos Silva
" Well , Carlos and I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ a few times with friends , and we've ____________________ a lot of ____________________ . so our ____________________ is ____________________ ____________________ our own sailboat . But we haven't ____________________ enough money ! "

Raquel Garza
" My dream ? To go ____________________ . I've ____________________ ____________________ it before , but my ____________________ ____________________ surfing all the time ! He's ____________________ ____________________ in Hawai'i . "

Hiro Tanaka
" Well , my parents ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ outside of Japan , so I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to Europe . I've ____________________ ____________________ many ____________________ , so I ____________________ all the ____________________ ____________________ to go ! "