New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . " I'm not at all materialistic - I have very few possessions . "
A friend of mine said that he ____________________ materialistic and that he ____________________ very few possessions .

2 . " My closets are full , but I can't stop buying new clothes . "
Someone at work told me that her closets ____________________ full , but she ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ new clothes .

3 . " I'm always throwing things away . Once I threw out an antique vase by mistake . "
My aunt said that she ____________________ always ____________________ things away and that once she ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ an antique vase by mistake .

4 . " We're in debt because we've spent too much money on stuff for our apartment . "
My brother told his wife that they ____________________ in debt because they ____________________ ____________________ too much money on stuff for their apartment .

5 . " I have a huge collection of comic books that I just don't have room for . "
One of my teachers told me that he ____________________ a huge collection that he just ____________________ ____________________ room for .

6 . " " We'll have to have a yard sale to get rid of all the junk we've been buying at yard sales . "
My neighbors said they ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ a yard sale ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ all the junk they ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .