New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 .
A . On the one hand , Rosa believes that what you do online shows your ____________________ ____________________ .
B . On the other hand , Daniel argues that your online profile is ____________________ ____________________ .

2 .
A . Rosa says online profiles tell you what you won't see in ____________________ ____________________ .
B . Daniel thinks social networking sites don't tell you what a person is like ____________________ ____________________ .

3 .
A . Rosa argues that it's ____________________ ____________________ to recruit and train new staff .
B . Daniel believes that everyone has a right to ____________________ ____________________ in his or her free time .

4 .
A . Rosa says companies want people who will fit in and ____________________ with other people .
B . Daniel argues that people behave in a different way ____________________ ____________________ .