New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Do you need to slow down ?
Take this quiz to find out .

1 . When I walk down the street , . . .
a . I ____________________ very ____________________ and use the time to make phone calls .
b . I enjoy the walk and look at the things and people around me .

2 . When I go out to lunch with friends , . . .
a . I ____________________ ____________________ so that I can get back to my work .
b . I ____________________ ____________________ , and I enjoy the food and conversation .

3 . When there's a family event , . . .
a . I often have to miss it because I have too much to do .
b . I try to ____________________ my time ____________________ so that I can attend the event .

4 . If traffic is heavy and some people are ____________________ a bit ____________________ , . . .
a . I honk my horn a lot . I ____________________ ____________________ easily in bad traffic .
b . I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ and try to ____________________ ____________________ .

5 . If I'm waiting at the airport and find out that my flight is delayed , . . .
a . I ____________________ ____________________ and complain to the people behind the counter .
b . I ____________________ ____________________ . I read something or make a few calls .

6 . If I'm in a hurry and think people are ____________________ too ____________________ , . . .
a . I sometimes interrupt them to finish their sentences .
b . I ____________________ ____________________ and wait for them to finish before I talk .

7 . If I play a game or sport with friends , . . .
a . I ____________________ the game ____________________ , and I ____________________ very ____________________ if I lose .
b . I think it's nicer to win than lose , but I don't ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

8 . If I get an assignment with a very tight deadline , . . .
a . I ____________________ very ____________________ - I hate it when I don't have time to ____________________ a job ____________________ .
b . I ____________________ ____________________ to do the best I can in the time I have .

Mostly A answers ?
It's time to slow down and enjoy life more . Try to ____________________ your time ____________________ . Make more time for family , friends , and fun .

Mostly B answers ?
You're balancing work and ____________________ ____________________ . Just keep the balance right .