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Play Matching Pairs

Foster an appreciation of diverse, multicultural literature across multiple genres.

Develop critical reading, including interpretation and analysis of text.

Promote motivation and enjoyment of reading through choice and self-selection of texts.

Provide opportunities for group discussion of selected texts.

Expand students’ metacognitive processes during reading.

Deepen reading comprehension skills.

Encourage creative response to reading, including writing and dramatic interpretation.

Expose students to challenging reading material.

Students are using text sets to read at their instructional levels

Students have text-based discussion in small groups and seminars.

Teacher incorporates texts from a variety of cultures, experiences, perspectives, etc.

Students make claims about what they read, sharing their ideas through multi-genre writing and speaking activities.

Teacher facilitates a strong independent reading program.

Teacher provides whole-group instruction on meaningful strategies, and students practice strategies with instructional level texts.

Students can explain what they are doing as readers and why they are doing it

Teacher and students pose questions/participate in activities at all DoK levels.