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He is the main guitar player from the American band Avenged Sevenfold.

He is considered one of the fastest and most skilled guitar players from modern Heavy Metal.

His solo from the beginning of the song "Eternal Rest" is considered the second fastest and most complex solo from modern Heavy Metal.

He and his fellow guitarist from the band, Zacky Vengeance, have been tagged as the best duo for three years in a row.

He is the son of another skilled guiarist, Brian Haner.

His best friend, The Rev, who was Avenged Sevenfold's former drummer, passed away in 2009 at age 28.

Although he is a skilled guitarist, he never wrote a song before. The first song he wrote was "So Far Away," included in the album "Nightmare," which is considered by fans and critics alike as a masterpiece, being thought-provoking and emotive at the same time.