New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Erin : Hi , Ken . It's Erin . Where are you ?
Ken : Oh , hi , Erin . I'm at the beach . ____________________ ____________________ ( spend ) time with Tom . It's beautiful here today ! It's , uh . . .
Erin : Nice . . . I'm so happy ____________________ ____________________ ( have ) fun .
Ken : Yeah . ____________________ ____________________ ( relax ) . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( not do ) anything special - I mean , ____________________ ____________________ ( read ) a book and ____________________ ____________________ ( swim ) . How about you ? Are you at work ?
Erin : No . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( not work ) today .
Ken : Oh , right . So , where - oops ! Uh , I'm sorry . ____________________ ____________________ ( eat ) ice cream . I'm starving .
Erin : Yeah , me too . ____________________ ____________________ ( eat ) a cookie .
Ken : Really ? So , where are you ? I mean , are you at home ?
Erin : No , I'm at Pierre's Café . ____________________ ____________________ ( wait ) for a friend . He's very late .
Ken : Oh , really ? Who ?
Erin : You !