New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . What problems do people face when they move to a new city ?
A : My friend said he ____________________ didn't ____________________ anticipate how difficult it would be until he moved last year . he said finding an apartment was ____________________ hard work ____________________ he ended up taking refuge on a friend's couch . He ____________________ got a place a month ago . I'd have been ____________________ depressed ____________________ I would've given up ! It took him ____________________ long to settle ____________________ he almost moved back . But he has ____________________ ____________________ positive outlook ____________________ things always work out for him .
B : Thre are probably things you ____________________ don't ____________________ take into account - like changing your address on your driver's license . You're usually ____________________ busy when you move ____________________ you ____________________ don't ____________________ have time to stop and think .

2 . What's it like starting a new job ?
A : You know , my first day at this job was ____________________ ____________________ big deal ____________________ I couldn't eat . I ____________________ felt nervous the week before I started . But you can ____________________ do your best to fit in . I worked ____________________ hard my first week ____________________ it was over before I know it .
B : Well , I'm pretty outgoing , but ____________________ I get nervous in new job situations . But it ____________________ lasts a few days . I'd say you should take the initiative to get to know people . Then you'll get ____________________ involved ____________________ you'll forget you were ____________________ nervous . In the end , ____________________ you can take responsibility for how things turn out .