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The central figure in a long narrative poem who possesses larger than life qualities, such as bravery, loyalty, and heroism.

A characterizing word or phrase occurring in place of the name of a person or thing.

The tragic flaw that leads to the tragic hero’s downfall.

Epic Hero


Epic Simile

The Greek term for the Laws of Hospitality.


A character, action, or situation that is a pattern of human life, occurring over and over again.

A long narrative poem, told in an elevated style, that chronicles heroic deeds

Occurs when the opposite of what the hero intends is what happens.

More involved than a typical simile; authors use this technique to communicate a new concept to the audience.







A prayer or address made to the muses in which the poet asks for inspiration, skill, knowledge, or the appropriate mood to create a poem.

Arrogance or pride before the gods.