New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

4. End the story. Link the events to now.

3. Describe what happened.

1. Set the general time or place.

2. Set the particular time or place.

Today, remembering my teacher's words helps me to be confident when I perform. And it helps me with a lot of other things, too!

On the night of the recital, I was so nervous that my hands were shaking. But I remembered what my very first teacher said to me years before: "People are here because they want you to do well."

I'm a musician, and when I was in graduate school, I had to give a final violin recital to get my degree. I was nervous because there were so many talented students at my school.

So with that memory in my mind, I calmed down and walked on stage I looked at the audience, and I thought, "I know you want me to do well." I closed my eyes and played a great recital.